2024 Bulldogs dance spectacular

NRL Bulldogs Dance Spectacular Saturday, JULY 6TH.

Performance opportunity for any Dream St student over the age of 6+

The dance spectacular brings together many dance studios from around Sydney to perform at the NRL Bulldogs’ home game at Accor Stadium.

Registration cut off - May 21st

What you need to know now:

Students must attend rehearsals to learn the routine: May 31st, June 14th, and June 28th from 6- 7 p.m at Dream St Dance Company.

Rehearsal at Belmore Sports Ground - June 16th, morning (exact time TBC)

Performance: July 6th @ Accor Stadium, Sydney Olympic Park
Meeting time: 2 pm
Performance time: TBC between 2:45 - 3:45

Extra information

  • Dream St will post a video of the routine on YouTube. Students are encouraged to try to learn this at home prior to rehearsals.

  • Performers receive a blue t-shirt and bow that will be sized by Dream Street.

  • The entry fee is $85, which covers the cost of a t-shirt, studio rehearsals, field rehearsals, and game day supervision.

  • Students will wear black leggings with white or sneakers as close to white as possible.

  • Students have free entry to the event, and families will be able to purchase tickets via an online code that will be provided.

Senior, Junior & Pre-Junior Pom Squads do not need to register or attend the above.